Advice for someone with ADHD who doesn’t want an intensive labor job but also doesn’t want to sit at a desk all day?


I have ADHD, anxiety, depression, and a multitude of other issues. I’m a semester away from getting my degree in Public Relations, which I settled on after switching countless times. It is broad enough that I am not tied to a single job and gives me a variety of skills that are applicable to many fields.

In theory, I’d love a job where I’m on my feet all day & using my hands. However, I did fieldwork in careers like these and I was exhausted. I have physical limitations that prevent me from safely working these jobs (migraines, eating disorder related issues) along with mental ones (being socially drained easily, mood swings due to mental illnesses, sleep issues). I also did a remote social media internship and I thrived in it!! I loved writing and doing behind-the-scenes work while also feeling like I was being productive. I was able to spend time with friends after work and not feel like I had no energy to give to them. However, this was only a part-time thing and I don’t want to stare at a screen all day. I think it may be different in the office since there are meetings and you walk around and speak to people and such, though.

My main worries are money & satisfaction. I don’t want my job to be my life but I want to enjoy it. I also want to make an income that allows me to not be anxious about money. I have a lot of anxiety about money due to my OCD (like an obsessive, irrational worry) so I really fear not being able to afford what I need to survive or WANT in order to be comfortable.


**Some fields I’ve shadowed/considered:** ~~nursing~~ (too much anxiety & physical demands, may harm sleep cycle due to shifts), ~~sonography~~ (spatial issues, physical demands/injury rate), ~~speech pathology~~ (too draining, issues with medical field in general, difficult to find jobs that treat you well), ~~teaching~~ (draining, low pay, don’t really like kids, stress), social work (not out of the question…IK there are tons of issues and I’ve been advised to try a communications role at a social work sort-of-business/place instead. I think social work would be incredibly draining and the pay is usually horrendous, of course).

Every career test I get says either therapist, nurse, teacher, or social worker. Since one of my main issues is getting drained easily, that makes these less appealing. I do enjoy helping people, communicating with others (to a certain extent), writing, strategizing with a team. I think my desire to help ppl is why these are also at the top of the list. However, that desire comes from a place of feeling like being needed is who I am, to an unhealthy extent. So that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’d be healthy to go for a nursing job, for example, since I’d be doing it to appease that part of me that feels like I only have a purpose in life if I’m helpful to others.

Anyway, sorry this is very long. Any input is appreciated.

*eta: 6 social, 6 enterprising, and 5 conventional on ONET test, so maybe I’ve changed since taking those old tests


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