Career insight for 22M Spaniard with 105 IQ?


I’m from Spain, I possibly suffer from Aspergers (misdiagnosed with schizophrenia) and my IQ was officially tested back in my 15s — during my psych ward days (had to ask my parents some time ago since they never told me after getting tested); according to them, it’s between 105 or 120 but I’m guessing it’s 105 or 75 since it’s pretty much known parents tend to lie for *obvious reasons* in such matters.

I’m currently NEET (no college degree whatsoever) and cannot land a web development job (Laravel developer in my free times) since you need college degrees in Europe.
However, knowing my IQ (is) probably way below under the typical average, no STEM career is suitable for me since Calculus is for 120+ IQ people.

As of my country’s actual situation (considering I’m from Southern Europe), there’s a LOT of unemployement and the only way to survive is the HIGHER EDUCATION way (aka emigrating).

I don’t know what to do, but I don’t want to end things either. Thoughts? Any advice?


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