Cement distribution terminal operator.. where do I go from here?


Mid 20s, no degree, some college credits (60+) taken.

I really enjoy the line of work that I am in, the operation is intriguing and something that not many people think about. Problem is, I don’t know what the next step is from here. I do everything from keeping inventory, holding safety meetings/briefings to general terminal maintenance, such as changing out large parts of high powered compressors, to working with railroad workers.

I am also left with a decent deal of “free time” during the day, so long as it is a slow business day. I am curious to see what a potential next step career-wise could be. The only “position” I could move up into from here, with the current company and without relocating would be a manager. And I am confident that I do not want to do that.

How does one move around within the industrial trades?


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