is taking a break for a year to become a barista a bad idea?

just some background info for context: i (27, F) am an operations staff at a fashion brand. the job is easy and pays the bills. it’s somewhat a dead-end job but it’s so far been FANTASTIC for my mental health (i do have bipolar disorder) so that is why i’m staying at it. i also have a uni degree in english and art history.

been thinking for a while now to try out being a barista for a year or so. i’ve always have been interested in coffee and opening a cafe-bookstore is a dream of mine. if all goes well i might continue being a barista and perhaps open a little cafe/roaster when i have enough money. if not, then i might try to find a job elsewhere.

will this reflect badly on my resume should i wish to return to a regular office job?

edit. adding more info just in case it’s useful: money isn’t an issue for me as i’m frugal and have no children.

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