Finish PhD or Accept new Job offer?


Hi everyone 🙂 I guess I really need your advice. I’m around 30 years old, from Germany and have been working in energy research with a Masters’s degree for the last 3 years. Two years ago I’ve been given the opportunity to work on a PhD and have been producing results ever since, but haven’t written a word.

At my current position I experience intern problems in the team (basically no team lead), no way to climb the career ladder at the institute and not being sure If I want to stay in research at all. On the other hand, my current expertise is worth a lot for the institute currently and the actual work is quite enjoyable but has no real impact besides research. Additionally, I have been growing very fond of most of my colleagues and see some of them regularly outside the job.

More from a feeling than a real urge I have applied for an open position in the energy sector at a “has been” start-up in the process of scaling up. The interviewing process was a blast and even tho it seems to be more project management than coding it seems like the software they produce and the team seems to be very nice. Besides that, the new position offers a lot of flexibility the new one doesn’t provide.

To my “surprise” / “shock” I have been given an offer for the position and now I’m in the predicament of having to make a decision in the next few days. On the monetary side of things, I would approximately earn 20% more instantly with way more potential than in my current position.


How much should I consider just finishing the PhD over all my concerns? What would you do? Have you been in a similar situation?


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