what advice would you give to a fresh grad who is struggling to start their career in the marketing/business field?


Hey all,
I (22F) recently graduated in May with a degree in marketing & business administration with a 3.9 GPA (basically a 4.0 with an A-) but I have no proper experience in this field. I mentioned my GPA because despite this being sort of positive, I have no internships to show for it, so I worry about my potential in my job search. (Does GPA even matter? since graduating i’ve realized connections and experience seem to have more weight…). I have plenty of experience in retail and customer service, but my doubts in updating my resume and sending in applications have brought me into a bad depression over these past few months (since graduating). I’ve also done gig work (grubhub and postmates) since May 2020 but debate whether this is beneficial or not (as opposed to leaving those years blank on my resume). I am a first generation American and graduate; my parents immigrated here and opened a business, so didn’t take a traditional path which is why I have no blueprint or guidance toward starting my career. So far I’ve procrastinated even updating my resume to start the application process. I’m getting tired of my anxiety and really looking to start working towards this in the near (immediate) future. I know this post grad rut is normal and i’m not sure if this post is allowed – but I’ve been keeping up with this sub and have found a lot of inspiration – so I guess I’d appreciate any advice or things you wish you had known at this point in your lives.

TLDR: what advice would you give to a post grad stuck in depression? If you have experience in the business/marketing field I’d love to hear your process between graduating and entering the field. Thank you!


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