What is it like to work at an early-stage, recently funded startup?


I recently started a website dedicated to job openings at recently funded startups and I’m curious to hear any first-hand experiences of people who have joined a company that’s in its early stages.

* What was it like being a *very* early employee (by which I mean joining the founders or a team of fewer than 10 people)? What was it like adjusting to a team where everyone has to do a little bit of everything?
* Was there a moment when you realized that the startup was going to succeed or fail?
* Did you join because you believed in their mission/it was the only job you could find/had a feeling it would be successful (future value of equity)?
* What is something that you wish you would have known before becoming part of the startup?
* Is there anything you would have done differently?

Any and all answers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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