Mental health/social justice job recommendation?



Hope your Sunday is going well! I am a recent health studies graduate who is interested in pursuing further education. I am interested (without doing too much reflection) in mental health, health and social justice (women’s rights, children’s rights, etc). With just a BSc (minor in sociology), what job recommendations do you have for me currently to be able to gain some knowledge and experience? For instance, mental health program support. I know that I need to have qualifications, such as social worker, psychotherapist, etc to be able to do the work I want to do. What kind of work/what organizations do you recommend currently? What steps should I be taking? Currently, recovering from depression, as a formerly very ambitious student, I have been working as a screener and it is very unfulfiling and I am slightly embarrassed. I am based around Toronto, Canada.

Have a good rest of your weekend
Feel free to PM


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