First proper career in your 30s… How do you go about starting from scratch late?


So I spent my early 20s being a youth worker, and had just started university to switch careers when I became quite ill. I’ve been too sick to do much of anything for 7 years now, and am just now starting to get better to the point where it’s possible for me to do something. I still want to go back to school, but am not sure for what. I don’t really have many marketable skills seeing as I’ve mostly been in and out of the hospital for years. I don’t have much of a network, don’t have much experience. I have a solid work ethic, have always done well in school, but am unsure as to what I want and what’s feasible at my age (I know it’s never to late but I also know some fields are less open to late beginners). I’m mediocre at math, not very interested in the sciences, have always done well with languages, social sciences, writing and working with older kids or teens. I really do want a Career, not just a job, and I’m willing to spend a chunk of years at university if I’m fairly confident it will pay off. I had considered teaching in the past but with the amount of years I’d have to spend in school I think I’d prefer doing something more lucrative and with better working conditions. I had thought I might be an academic in my younger years, doing sociology primarily, but I’m not sure that’s a viable path anymore when I’ve not even finished my BA in my mid 30s… I did well in youth work but felt the constant problem solving and working with and around mental health issues was a bit too draining so I’m not super interested in going into social work or healthcare. The possibility of international work or work abroad (something that’s viable internationally) is also something I’m interested in. Would love to hear any thoughts and ideas from “outsiders” who are not my family or friends.


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