Has my burnout destroyed my career forever?


I burned out very badly after 3 years of working in a toxic environment where my bosses would fling papers in my face, make me a scapegoat, welch on promises of pay and seniority and if I dared to question, threaten to destroy my career.

This burnout was in March 2018 and I resumed working in October 2019. However, I started working simply because I had been sitting at home for far too long. I hadn’t fully recovered from the burnout and was still very emotionally vulnerable. I joined a shitty place that I was overqualified for after ruining several interviews as a result of poor focus and the inability to justify my time off.

Anyway, I recently completed a masters degree to upskill myself, published some work in my field and completed an internship in London. Now, I am back in the job market but all I am getting is ghosting. Again and again and again. I had my first interview this application season on 26 August and I never heard back. Then, another one on 11 October and then on 20 October. Ghosted. My enthusiasm (that I had mustered with so much effort after years of depression) is waning. Today, I had yet another place ask me for my writing sample. I sent it, but I am certain it will lead to nowhere.

I do still wonder about the August interview, that role would have been hugely beneficial for my career. I hope that someday I get an offer. They had been so enthusiastic, and quite frankly, the organization is notorious for a bad working environment and high turnover. They are literally always hiring for every single department at all levels of seniority all the time. So I wonder why the silence.

Anyway, just wanted your thoughts on whether my 2018/19 burnout has now destroyed all my chances of being successful. If life is a race, I have surely lost it.


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