Which direction should i go in my career?


I graduated with a finance and management degree in business in December if 2021. I started in an entry level position at a trucking company as a CSR. Wishing three months i moved up to a coordinating position. I left because the work environment was toxic and i was put in a position that had been failing for years and i was given no resources to succeed.

I am lost about where i should go with my career. I realized in my time at my previous company that i do like a challenge, but i don’t like the idea of being set up to fail. I want to be able to make my own decisions without being micromanaged. I want to be able to have respect for the higher ups of my company. My first thought was that i wanted to work in the internal side of business to avoid customer relations, but that can also be a thankless job. Does anyone love their job? My thought process is it doesn’t matter what you do, it matters who you work for. Is that right?


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