How to put the best foot forward in a senior role interview within the company?


I have an interview with my manager in a week for a senior role within the company. I have been in this company for just over a year. The senior role will involve managing 4-5 colleagues who are in my current designation. I have never worked as a manager before. The only “managing” experience I have is that I supervised undergrad and Master’s students for their research projects during my grad school. There I had some success in form of publications.

Though I believe I have performed well in my current entry level role, I am not sure how to convince my managers that I will be a good fit for the senior role.

I have a goal of breaking into management positions in the future. I would like to eventually get into business strategy roles. Though my current role has some data analysis as it’s core duties. I would like to use my data analytics skills to understand and make business strategy.


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