Jobs I can use to support my daughter and myself and live comfortably?


I know that’s what we all want, but I genuinely need some help. I was in nursing school but due to extenuating circumstances, I had to drop for now. I’m about to finish my bachelors in general studies (not by choice, so don’t make fun please). What can I do? My interests are health, children, but I can open my mind. I’m a quick learner, a decently fast typer, I’m dedicated, loyal, etc. I don’t want my job to be my life, I just want it to pay for my life. I have a special needs child and I don’t want something that will require too much time, as in super long shifts or overtime. I’ve never had a career, I’ve been a SAHP. I’d like a proper work life balance, and I don’t want to work Christmas. I need to be around. I’m currently married but I want a job that if that changed suddenly, I’d be financially stable still.

Any advice?


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