should I take the new job?


So I am in a bit of a dilemma, I have been offered a similar job to what I have now.

I am in hospitality working as a bar/event supervisor and have been offered a similar job at a bigger company.

My current boss is pretty slack and refuses to employ more staff currently and has me doing a lot of the setup work which means I am not able to keep up with the projects that are needed to be done. RSA training guides, cleaning rosters, bar opening and closing checklists and a monstrosity of a job, redoing the back end of the till.
They have not had an experienced person in my role, or at least not to my extent since they’ve had major renovations after some severe flooding a few years ago and there was a complete change of personnel in the management team.
I have plans to make this company very successful in subtle ways with my experience in hospitality but because no-one has the experience I do, I don’t believe these ideas are being valued, some I know are restricted by major funding but in a couple of years, these things are potentially possible.
I have quite the responsibility and am being taken advantage of. I am paid fairly well, but for my input into the company I think I could be paid more. But I know that where I’m at won’t change too much, because it’ll never be a massive establishment.

I have been sought after at a much larger company with much deeper pockets and more happening on the regular. I will have less responsibility and will be paid slightly less. I will have more career opportunities in this place but that isn’t my main goal, I just want to save more money to finish of the pilot training I want to do and to bank up to buy a house.
This place has created a role for me, they made a part time job a full time job, just for me.
I feel as though maybe it’s too good to be true at this new place.

I have told them I want the job but haven’t signed any contracts and am having major second thoughts. I’ve also not told my current job about it.

I don’t know what to do. If you think you might have answers or guidance in what I should do, please tell me.
If you want more details I’m happy to provide.

I don’t want to spoil what is not a bad job for something that isn’t exactly greener on the other side.


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