How to gain respect?


This might be long but here is the context. I’m a fair looking 21F, fresh college grad, and am on day 2 of a safety ops job. Every time I’m introduced to a manufacturing worker, they make a unforgiving face when told my title. While this wouldn’t normally bother me, soon enough I will be in charge of them and making them follow rules. I’m not very direct and even though it’s two days in, I am feeling I’m getting a glimpse at the battles I’ll have to overcome in the future.

I guess I’m looking for advice on how to make my presence known as strong and not too lenient right now to save trouble in the future.

I know my value and worth so it’s not demeaning to not be taken seriously as that happens a lot at my age and being female. I just don’t even know how to approach this new situation given it’s been clear already by some workers contorted faces that they are questioning my presence.


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