What career path is best for me?


Hello! I’m 21 and recently graduated with a psych degree and started my first job, an entry level HR job. I do plan to go to grad school in 2 years but want to be smart about it. I don’t have any career passions/interests per say. But I do know what kind of life I want my career to allow me
1. Make great money with great benefits and room to grow.
2. Work life balance (willing to put in the work especially in the early stages of my career but don’t want to be working 50+ hours/week on a regular basis)
3. A company that will let me transfer to their overseas office (I’d love to work in different countries)

What career field would help me meet these goals? I know I won’t be doing engineering, law or medicine. Ideally what industry and roles should I be aiming to break into? And what would be ideal for me to go to grad school for (I won’t be going into debt)
Also, I don’t mind HR but I don’t see myself ever wanting to do recruiting and conducting exit interviews and investigations. From my understanding growing within HR would require me to do this.

I know there probably isn’t one specific sector or job role but any general suggestions would be greatly appreciated! So sorry for the lengthy post.


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