Salary vs Possible Opportunity Advice?


Hi, I’m 36 and I live in the Salt Lake City, Utah area.

I’m left with a hard decision trying to figure out if I should take an opportunity or stay with the company i’m currently with and I’m looking for advice.

I’ve been learning software/web development for the past year to make a career change. So far I’ve worked customer facing roles and I’m no longer interested in doing it. I want to do something more fulfilling.

I’m doing client onboarding currently. I’m making an ok wage but the company does have benefits like free insurance, meals, company trips. They are very big on their employees having a career path and they are aware of my interest in becoming a dev. It seems like I have a pathway to making that change when i’m ready because I’m already with the company. But there is no guarantee it will happen.

A friend of mine works for a company that is looking for someone in a customer facing role (not what I want long term) but it pays 50-60% more than my current company. They also offer equity on top of salary. If I take this job I’ll have a higher salary which will help me with debt and to help plan for the future but I’m worried i’ll lose the possible opportunity to move to dev with my current company. I of course can just cold apply to dev jobs once I’m ready but it feels like it may be harder.


Thanks for any insight you can offer <3


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