What to do if I want to quit but still managing 2 interns?


So, I have been working at this start up for almost 2 years mainly as a Marketing / Business Development hybrid.

The problem is that the complete management team (with all the experience) will come in when funding has arrived. They told me this would happen soon after I started, but fast forward to now and there’s no difference. This means it’s me, finance, the office manager and the CMO as the core team. With me leading the marketing interns as well.

I kind of realized the company won’t have a massive (team)growth in the coming year either, making me look at more corporate jobs. The problem is, when I leave, the interns (which will be done in 3 months) will literally be left unguided as the only other employee fit for the job is my boss and he doesn’t give two shits about them.

On the one hand I feel responsible for them and don’t want to fuck up their studies, especially the one writing his thesis. On the other hand I feel I have no more personal growth opportunity left in the company and have been pondering about hopping jobs for quite some time. To the extent where I actually don’t feel like waiting another 3 months. It’s jobs galore for my profile so finding something will not be that hard.

So the question is, what would you guys recommend me to do? And does anyone have a similar experience to share for me to gain some insight from?


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