Shifting career from Biology to Data Science at 32?


32F Biology graduate with Neurosciences masters degree , currently residing in Germany.

I am working for a big pharma company with deep hierarchy, strict rules, and limited options for non-PhD candidates. I used to be an extremely enthusiastic person about science but this feeling has faded tremendously due to the continuous reminder from my peers that I don’t qualify as a proper scientist. This takes a serious toll on my performance and makes me feel resentful of the field I studied and used to love.

Anyhow, my wish is to slightly shift my career towards data science and specifically its applications into life sciences. The latter because I won’t erase all my years of experience and studies.

I have put a lot of thought in this matter but struggle to find the motivation to do anything as I am afraid it’s going to be a waste of time and money.

Is there anyone who could give me some piece of advice on how I could transition from one field to another? Is there someone with a similar background as mine that has made such a focus switch?



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