Is this option too risky?


Received a job offer that seems too good to pass up, yet have some concerns about position being a good fit + culture…In the past, once I left a great job for a “better opportunity” and got there and realized it was a horrible decision (toxic team, etc). Only took me a day to realize it. And it was then too late to ask for my old job back. I’m terrified of it happening again.
I’m currently working at a place that I do enjoy but also don’t want to pass up great things just because I’m “comfortable”. Given that, would it be crazy to take the new job, pass the background check, start working there for 2-3 days before deciding to quit my current job? I also would use PTO for this, as I have accumulated a lot.
I’m in the U.S. and this is at-will. Also, these companies are not competitors.


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