Confused on my path after having a “spiritual” awakening. How do I decide what to pursue?


So, I’ve had a bit of an awakening after going through very dark times recently. I now have detached my worth from my career path/job. Before I was searching for purpose in my career, so I went after “helping” professions in order to satisfy my **need to be needed**. Now I realize that that is unhealthy. I am working on detachment in general and just living my life with the goal of connecting to people and being the best person I can and generally just chillin the F out.

I am a semester away from a degree in PR, which I chose based on my skills rather than passions. I am good at writing, communicating, and helping people. With PR, I am able to do all of those things. I am not skilled at direct care (speech pathology, sonography, recreational therapy — I’ve shadowed or done fieldwork in these, too draining for me). I did a social media internship and enjoyed it for the most part, and I was very good at it. However, I worry that doing that full-time would make me feel a bit trapped. It felt purposeful since it was at a non-profit, but ofc the money may be an issue with that.

If I could ignore all of my rational worries, I guess I’d do social work. But part of that is still driven by my egoic need to find identity in my helpfulness. And I value stability and peace in my life, which social work wouldn’t bring me I don’t think.

I have done a lot of career quizzes, and since starting my healing journey, my results have changed from the results being teacher/nurse/social worker to more HR-focused roles & management roles — social work still pops up.

General advice or experiences like mine would be great. Additionally, I have ADHD, anxiety, depression (situational) and technically panic disorder + agoraphobia, though I haven’t struggled with that in a while.


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