How much PTO should I expect?


I (25F) started my first full time job out of college working as an engineer at a small energy services company about 18 months ago (southeast US). I’ve been happy until recently for a variety of reasons. The biggest issue is my PTO plan and lack of flexibility. We are 100% in office with remote work only considered if you’re sick. I get 10 days of vacation and 3 sick days each year. There are also 9 holidays (Christmas, thanksgiving, etc.). I will get an additional 5 days after 5 years with the company. When trying to make trip plans with friends in other job fields, I’ve found that I’m not getting as much PTO as them and I’ve had to miss out on some fun adventures. This is my first corporate job and I don’t know what I can reasonably expect. Is my PTO plan ok or should I find better?


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