Why does corp life feel so much like HS and be exhausting?


Corp work is too much like HS and it’s exhausting

If you think about it, working an office job is like the perfect distillation of high school the adult version: it’s all about building relationships, having allies, kissing ass, cliques, etc etc. everyday feels like I’m back in school cafeteria tryna find a table to sit at when none of my friends are around.

I don’t like office politics, although tbh there isn’t too much of that outright at the place I work. It’s more subtle and just revolves around how much the manager likes you = how much of a “push” you get. You can work your ass off and contribute a lot to the daily grind in the market, but if the boss man doesn’t vibe with you, you just get kind of frozen out. And it’s the same thing with senior employees. Can you make them laugh? Do they want to grab a beer with you? If yes, then you’ll receive plenty of projects and attention. If not, you might as well be invisible.

I like the sector/industry I’m in (finance) because I love economics and such, but I feel increasingly like it’s confirmed I don’t mix well with corporate life. What are my options? Is working in academia or for the govt better? Or have any of you made a big career switch to something very unusual or self employed that worked out?


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