A question about a basic course for bookkeeping/accounting and if it’ll be enough to apply for a job in that field?


I hope this belongs in this sub otherwise guide me to another one.

I was going to sign up for an adult school near me. I got a brochure and it got my attention with business careers and it offers a 2 part book keeper course that offers a certificate for Accounting Principles, Sage 50(PeachTree), and Quickbooks for completing both parts. and five credits towards a local community college. I’m not sure if Bookkeeping is for me but I’d like to give it a try, self teaching other stuff at home wasn’t working out and I’d like a career out of my current situation.

I’m not sure if I’d like accounting or bookkeeping but I’d like to get my chance into something, I was looking up some info maybe getting a cert in excel as well would help?

But basically, I wanted to know if something like finishing this course would be enough for me to get into some entry level Bookkeeping jobs. I’m hoping I’d like this enough to get to accounting course at said community college, this course seems to be only 3 months so I’d love to learn something that might be worthwhile.


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