Is being placed on an “improvement plan” basically guaranteeing termination?


Been a lawyer at a company for 9 months. Due to previously unchecked ADHD, I made lots of small mistakes (ie: cross-references were off, mislabeling file names) that resulted in a written warning by my boss. Got evaluated and realized the issue. Notified HR of my disability, then notified boss. Boss has been accommodating but seems very frustrated. Meets with me weekly to try and accommodate my needs, answer my questions. Boss “wants me to succeed.” Boss also seems so frustrated with any minor slip-ups that show up, cannot fire me rn or else would face ADA breach due to my disclosure. The conclusion of my “remedial period” is in two months, one month has lapsed.

Feels like at this point boss is just amassing receipts to establish grounds to terminate me at the end of the remedial period. I feel like if even one minuscule error was made, she’d still have sufficient grounds to terminate me for failing to meet the standards of the improvement plan.

Am I mistaken in that I’m definitely gonna get fired? Is it reasonable to begin job hunting now?

Worried a 9-month (or 11 by the conclusion of this remedial period) would look bad for me to employers


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