Did I burn a bridge here?


I took 3 months FMLA leave for mental health due to an abusive manager. At the end of the leave I gave my 2 weeks notice by email to their manager (team principal) only, and sent individual emails to teammates explaining and saying bye/wishing them well. I didn’t meet with abusive boss because it was too much for my anxiety, and I only spoke to the principal via email and not over Zoom (everything was remote at that point) for basically the same reason.

I have great relationships with the former teammates. But did I burn a bridge by not telling abusive boss directly or by not doing it in a meeting vs email? I didn’t say anything about the abusive behavior, but I didn’t meet with them and it was a fairly quick end. I can’t tell if I should have talked to them first in order to not burn a bridge, or if this is fairly standard procedure.


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