What advice would you give to your younger self?


I’ve got some battles scars and made some risky moves in my time but I think as we get older, we obtain wisdom and insight. It would be interesting to see what advice appears here that comes out of that wisdom.

For me, a few things really stick:

– status and money are simply not the definition of ‘success’ the modern society makes them out to be. They’re shallow, empty and never ending traps with no lasting satisfying feeling to be had once you obtain them. They’re elusive goals that never scratch the itch. Spend time instead chasing meaningful work and one which allows a healthy work life balance. Be grateful for what you have already and learn to be happier with that.

– do not let self doubt and comparison of others slow you down and ruin a good thing. Accept that you’ll feel this, but remember to compare yourself only to yourself and the improvement YOU are making.

– your weaknesses will always be weaker than your strengths. Find work that aligns with your strengths and go with that for a lasting and happier career.


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