I feel like I was groomed for this awful job that is not doable by one person and I want out. Help?


I work for the government. I have a permanent job in another office. My boss has been insistent over the last year that I apply to this other role in the other office. Recently, I took an acting position in the role they were persistent I take. My permanent position is still in the other office.

This job is hell. I’m solely responsible for 22 people and all of their weekly schedules. Emails are endless. Tasks are endless. I’ve worked 30+ unpaid overtime hours. I told my NEW boss (the old boss who brought me over here got a promotion – the old boss is now my new boss’s boss). The NEW boss told me there’s a learning curve, yadee yadee ya. I told her I log on for long hours unpaid. Can I be compensated for it. She told me no overtime pay.

They gave me an assistant who is supposed to help me manage the tremendous workload. The assistant SUCKS. I’m still doing 90% of the work. When I assign the assistant something, I have to ask them 2-3 times before they even do the small task if they do it at all. They’re unreliable in my opinion or we don’t have compatible working styles. I tell them IN WRITING to do something and they ignore my email or don’t do it. This job pays a measly $2 more per hour and I feel like a quasi-manager now expected to assign work to someone else.

I need to formulate a plan to get the F out of this job FAST. My NEW boss is on vacation for 1.5 months. My OLD boss is filling in as manager for that time. I need to talk to her on MONDAY of this week so I can somehow get back to my old job (my right according to the collective agreement). The acting position I signed has no end date which is strange.

What are the right words to say? Any suggestions how to professionally get the F out of this job?


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