Struggling with Job Search and Resume Building—Any Career Advice to Enhance Opportunities?


I’m in need of some career advice as I’ve been actively seeking employment since my graduation in May. Unfortunately, I’ve encountered challenges in crafting an effective resume and navigating conflicting advice on the matter.
Initially, I received varied suggestions, leading to a situation where my resume might not be as appealing as it could be. There’s been a divergence in opinions, such as emphasizing competencies while keeping the resume to a single page. Additionally, conflicting advice on excluding education for admin jobs has created further confusion.
Despite my efforts, I’ve only secured four interviews out of 749 applications over the past eight months. Networking is challenging for me due to introversion, and cold calling suggested places has yielded limited success. Even reaching out to potential employers I’ve applied to has not significantly improved my situation.
I sought assistance from employment services, but unfortunately, their promised job placement support didn’t materialize, leaving me to conduct a job search independently.
To complicate matters, I relocated at the end of August to avoid homelessness and am currently living with my father, adding urgency to my quest for advice.
I initially approached my university’s career center for guidance, but the responses were not as helpful as I had hoped. The suggestion to remove education, including two valuable internships, feels counterproductive, considering the debt incurred for my education.
The internships, one as a Project Assistant for an educational company specializing in open-source textbooks and the other as a Data Entry Clerk for a reputable non-profit, should ideally strengthen my resume.
As the holiday season approaches, I had anticipated having a job and apartment by now, but the reality is different.
I would greatly appreciate any career-focused advice you can provide. Suggestions on where to find work and leveraging my Bachelor of Arts degree would be particularly helpful. Please consider my situation and preferences, aiming to offer guidance that surpasses what I’ve received from my university.

I am seeking employment rn as an entry level admin.
Thank you for your time and assistance.


I’m struggling with my job search since graduating in May. Conflicting resume advice has led to limited interviews (4 out of 749 applications). Networking is tough due to introversion, and relocation added urgency. University and employment services haven’t been very helpful. Seeking career advice on improving my resume, finding job opportunities, and leveraging my Bachelor’s degree. Any suggestions appreciated.


Thank you for coming to my tedtalk – have a potato.


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