What would you do if you were in my shoes?


Burner account\*I am 24 Y.O. Since finishing high school I have only worked blue-collar jobs from restaurants to construction for the past 3 years driving semi-trucks. Currently making 75k (HCOL). I’ve realized my growth potential is capped, and the most I will be looking forward to is a 50-cent hourly raise every 6 months (union).After work I’m in study mode 7 days a week. I’m a finance student (sophomore). online & non-target. I’m concerned about how well I will compete against others, given my blue-collar background & non-target school. I know finance jobs rely heavily on networking. A potential saving grace for me is an immediate family member who is a VP for one of the Big 4 banks. They say I can “probably” get into an internship once I’m halfway through my degree. They claim to know MDs in investment banking and such but I’m not sure how much a simple referral from them will compensate for my lack of pedigree.my questions are the followingwhat are the potential career options for someone with my background?What are some finance-related career tips I can use for this career pivot?What are some steps I can take to refine myself to work in a corporate environment?Should I study specific certifications like FINRA exams or CFA CFP. What are some hard skills that can strengthen my resume?Any advice will be very much appreciated!!


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