What would you do if you were in my shoes?


Burner account\*
I am 24 Y.O. Since finishing high school I have only worked blue-collar jobs from restaurants to construction to now for the past 3 years driving semi-trucks. Currently making 75k (HCOL). I’ve realized my growth potential is capped, and the most I will be looking forward to is a 50-cent hourly raise every 6 months (union).
After work I’m in study mode 7 days a week. I’m a finance student (sophomore). online & non-target. I’m concerned about how well I will compete against others, given my blue-collar background & non-target school. I know finance jobs rely heavily on networking. A potential saving grace for me is an immediate family member who is a VP for one of the Big 4 banks. They say I can “probably” get into an internship once I’m halfway through my degree. they claim to know MDs in investment banking and such but I’m not sure how much a simple referral from them will compensate for my lack of pedigree.
my questions are the following
what are the potential career options for someone with my background?
What are some finance-related career tips I can use for this career pivot?
What are some steps I can take to refine myself to work in a corporate environment?
Should I study specific certifications like FINRA exams or CFA, CFP.
What are some hard skills that can strengthen my resume?
Any advice will be very much appreciated!!


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