I fibbed during interviews and need advice – how do I course correct?? Please help!


All right so I quit my job 6 months ago and just recently started applying and interviewing.

The thing is, I listened to a friend who told me to act like I’m still working at the job I quit so my resume says I still work there. To make matters worse for myself, when speaking with recruiters on the initial screen calls, I’ve also been maintaining the facade.

If you’re curious why I left my role – I had been with that company for a number of years and during that time we were acquired. I made out with a good chunk of change so I decided to take a break and reset. I don’t regret taking a break, I have made so many healthy and necessary improvements in my life during the past 6 months that I know I wouldn’t have done if I was employed. Still, I feel terrible about being dishonest and I know I should have just been truthful from the beginning but I can’t change the past so I am looking for advice on how to proceed moving forward.

The reason I’m asking now is because I made it past a few in-house recruiter screenings and have been invited to 2nd stage interviews with hiring managers/related staff with companies i am really interested in. My question is – if I am honest during *these* interviews that I’m not currently working, will it cause a big question mark on my file because the recruiter hasn’t noted that?

Idk if recruiters are even keeping track of that in their notes or not but I’d rather start being truthful here on out because I just realized that the employment dates are gonna be confirmed during a background check.

I will be totally transparent in all initial screenings from this point forward. Fml!


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